Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome Teagan Pearl! Mama Julie talks about her experience through labor...

Congratulations to Julie and Justin on the birth of their amazing daughter Teagan. Their connection and intimacy through labor truly shone through. Through their labor, I kept thinking in my head, 'this is how it should always go...' Amazing family. Indeed.

Here is what Julie has to say about her experience with chiropractic, using a doula, and natural childbirth:

"Our beautiful daughter Teagan was born wednesday at kaiser wc, with my husband on one side of me, and Kenda on the other. Choosing to have a doula at my birth, and choosing Kenda as my doula, were two of the most important and best decisions I made about my pregnancy and delivery. I am convinced that my deep trust in Kenda's knowledge and abilities was a central factor in what was a fast, natural childbirth. As soon as I began working with Kenda, I knew I would be totally supported and taken care of through my pregnancy and delivery, and that's exactly what happened. I will always be grateful to Kenda for bringing her warmth, strength, and knowledge to my pregnancy and our daughter's birth." -Julie, mom to Teagan, born 2/10/2010, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces, 7 hour labor!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

New from Bruce Lipton, PhD, Advocating for Chiropractic

"Historically, scientific reductionism has provided an amazing understanding of the nature of the body’s structure, from organs to cellular organelles and down to its genes. However, the limitations of this approach are clearly evident in science’s inability to resolve today’s healthcare crisis.

"Systems biology is a new field of science that allows health practitioners to transcend a system’s parts and gain awareness of the whole. A valuable example of systems biology is revealed in Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI). Through a brilliant synthesis of tensegrity, fractal geometry, quantum physics, and conventional anatomy, (BGI) offers profound insight into the mechanics governing the operation and health of the musculoskeletal system. Knowledge is power and BGI is one of chiropractic’s most powerful resources for enhancing physical and emotional wellbeing. As an outspoken advocate of the “new biology,” I wholeheartedly encourage consider(ing) the amazing insights provided through BGI.”

-Bruce H. Lipton, PhD: Cell biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles